Author David Taylor Black


by , on
September 30, 2018

This photo is of William looking young and svelte from a few years ago. He’s a bit grayer around the snout now (the gray is just starting in this photo).


by , on
September 29, 2018

My dog, William, is hard to miss these days—he weighs about 150 lbs. He’s a Great Dane/Neapolitan Mastiff mix. This is a picture of him when he was smaller, at 9 weeks old.

Elbow Reef Lighthouse

by , on
September 25, 2018

The Elbow Reef Lighthouse is prominently featured in the storyline of Guilt. Here’s a photo of it.

Hope Town

by , on
September 19, 2018

As many already know, Hope Town, where Guilt takes place, is a real location in the Bahamas, on Elbow Cay. A couple of times, Dan, the main character, goes into a pergola with a bench. Here is a photo of the real pergola, just off the Post Office Dock. The photo makes it look a lot bigger than it actually is.